The Magic of Chestnuts

Candied chestnuts have a long and rich history, dating back to the Ottoman Empire, where it was considered a delicacy reserved for royalty and the wealthy. Chestnuts have been a staple food for centuries, and their sweet, nutty flavor has made them a popular ingredient in a variety of sweets.

Bursa, a city in northwestern Turkey, is particularly famous for its chestnuts; chestnut candy is a beloved local specialty. The city’s ideal climate and soil conditions make it the perfect place for growing high-quality chestnuts, and its long history of chestnut cultivation has made it a center of excellence for chestnut production.

One thing that sets Hafiz Mustafa Candied Chestnuts apart is the quality of the chestnuts we use. We source our chestnuts from local producers and only use the freshest and highest quality chestnuts available. We mainly choose white chestnuts that have not been rained on, as they have a sweeter flavor and a more appealing texture. In the market, chestnuts are usually brown, but we believe that our choice of white chestnuts is what sets our candies apart.

Another thing that makes our chestnut candy special is our care and attention to the production process. We don’t use glucose syrup, preferring to pack our candy as close to organic as possible. We also choose to package our candy in glass jars, as they are a more environmentally friendly option and help preserve the chestnuts’ quality and flavor.

Our chestnut candy comes in two sizes, 500gr, and 800gr, each with a unique twist on the classic flavor. Our commitment to quality and attention to detail sets us apart from other chestnut candies. We take pride in using only the freshest, highest-quality ingredients and supporting local producers.

If you are a fan of chestnuts and looking for a sweet and delicious treat, we invite you to try Hafiz Mustafa Candied Chestnuts. We are confident that you will love our unique flavors and appreciate the care and attention that goes into each and every batch.

 One thing that sets Hafiz Mustafa Candied Chestnuts apart is the quality of the chestnuts we use. We source our chestnuts from local producers and only use the freshest and highest quality chestnuts available. We mainly choose white chestnuts that have not been rained on, as they have a sweeter flavor and a more appealing texture.

Hafiz Mustafa Candied Chestnuts


Hafiz Mustafa Candied Chestnuts



Bursa chestnuts, also known as Turkish chestnuts, are a wide variety of chestnuts grown in the northwestern region of Turkey. Bursa is particularly famous for its chestnuts, known for their large size, sweet taste, and soft texture.

In addition to their delicious taste, Bursa chestnuts are also known for their nutritional benefits. They are a good source of carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and vitamins, particularly C and B. They also contain essential minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and iron.

Bursa chestnuts have been a staple food in the region for centuries and are a vital part of the local cuisine. They are often roasted, boiled, and eaten as a snack or added to various dishes, including soups, stews, and desserts. Candied Chestnuts, made from Bursa chestnuts, are also a popular sweet treat in the region.

Bursa chestnuts are a delicious and nutritious food that people in the region have enjoyed for generations. Their unique taste and texture make them a popular ingredient in various dishes, and their nutritional benefits make them a healthy addition to any diet.

Sweet chestnut trees are known as “bread trees” in certain regions. As chestnuts mature, starch is transformed into sugars, reducing moisture content. When a ripe chestnut is pressed, the hull is less taut, and there is a slight “give” between the flesh and the fruit. Raw chestnuts are composed of 60% water, and 100 grams contain 44 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of protein, and 1 gram of fat, providing 200 calories. They are a good source of B vitamins and essential minerals. Chestnuts are among the few nuts containing vitamin C, with a 100-gram serving providing 48% of the daily value. In sweet and savory recipes, they can be consumed in various ways, including candied, boiled, steamed, deep-fried, grilled, or roasted.