from 1864 to the present
Hafiz Mustafa was founded in 1864 in Istanbul. To put that into perspective, Queen Victoria was the queen of the United Kingdom, Abraham Lincoln was the president of the United States, and Sultan Abdulaziz Khan was the sultan of the Ottoman Empire…
Candy maker Hafız Mustafa was founded by Hadji İsmail Hakkı Bey during the reign of Sultan Abdulaziz Khan in Bahçekapı, Istanbul in 1864, and then it was taken over by his son, Hafız Mustafa.
Hadji İsmail Hakkı Bey, one of the first producers of sugar candy, first started making sugar candies with dibek stone on the basement floor of the shop. Hafız Mustafa was occupied with candy-making and confectionary during the period in which his father operated the shop, and he was a volunteering muezzin in the Arpacılar Mosque at the same time.
It is well known that Hafız Mustafa is the first to have found and manufactured the salty pastry called pogaca. Hafız Mustafa won 12 medals in Europe in bakery and confectionery between 1926 and 1938. While increasing brand reliability at the national level, it also promoted Turkish products worldwide and proved high brand recognition.
Cemil Bey, son of Hafız Mustafa, continued with the same tradition and maintained the perception of a reliable brand with the brand “Çikolat Cemil.” Sherbets, confectionaries, and Turkish delights have a special place in Ottoman cuisine.

Candy maker Hafız Mustafa was founded by Hadji İsmail Hakkı Bey during the reign of Sultan Abdulaziz Khan in Bahçekapı, Istanbul in 1864, and then it was taken over by his son, Hafız Mustafa. Hadji İsmail Hakkı Bey, one of the first producers of sugar candy, first started making sugar candies with dibek stone on the basement floor of the shop. Hafız Mustafa was occupied with candy-making and candy during the period in which his father operated the shop, and he was a volunteering muezzin in the Arpacılar Mosque at the same time.

The shop in Eminönü, one of the few centers called the heart of Istanbul's trade, soon started to show itself in respected trade records. Annuaire Oriental, "Ismail Hakki" among confectioners, was found in Bahçekapı in 1888 and operated at No: 4. To the right and left of the shop were tailors and a watchmaker's shop. A year later, Ismail Hakkı Bey's name was registered among the confectioners in both Bahçekapı No:4 and Alaca Hamam Street No:72. We are proud of being in the same address since 1888.

Exposition Internationale - Paris - 1923
The Exposition Internationale 1923, hosted in Paris, France, was a worldwide showcase for new art styles. The exposition presented many ideas of the international avant-garde arts for the first time, including Hafiz Mustafa's delectable desserts.

Exposition Internationale Du Confort Dans L'Habitation - Liege - 1925
In the early years of the new republic of Turkey, Hafiz Mustafa had a vision of introducing the taste of his country to the world. He participated in the Exposition Internationale Du Confort Dans L'Habitation in Liege and successfully captivated the taste buds of those who tried his desserts.

Akbaba is a weekly magazine published between 1922-1977. It is one of the longest-lasting magazines in Turkish literature. On November 8, 1926, on the fourth page, the advertisement of Hafiz Mustafa said: Confectioner Hafiz Mustafa and his Mahdûmu The most delicious jams, syrups, candies, chocolates, sweets. Hamidiye Street in Bahçekapı Istanbul 1194 (Hijri).

Hafiz Mustafa's mouthwatering confectionary was quickly noticed by the jury at the Exposition Du Comfort Moderne Paris 1928, leading to a medal awarded for his exceptional taste. Among his sweets, Turkish delight stood out and captivated the attention and taste buds of everyone who tried it.

Internationale Du Confort Dans L'habitation - Liege - 1928
The year 1928 marked a significant milestone for Hafiz Mustafa, as his delicious taste traveled from France to Belgium to participate in the Exposition Internationale Du Confort Dans L'habitation - Liege. The exquisite taste won a new award with the signatures of 15 different juries, adding another accolade to Hafiz Mustafa's already impressive repertoire.

Exposition of 1930 - Liège
Held between May 3 and November 3, 1930, in Liège, Belgium, the Exposition of 1930 was an international event that celebrated the centenary of the Belgian kingdom's establishment in 1830. Among the attendees was Hafiz Mustafa, who wowed the crowd with his delectable confectionery delights.

Cumhuriyet Newspaper Advertisement - 1934
Step back to 1934 and let the pages of Cumhriyet Newspaper transport you to the beautiful world of Şekerci Hafiz Mustafa in Bahekapı, where a tempting assortment of candies and sweets await your indulgence.

Brussels International Exposition - 1935
The Heysel/Heizel Plateau in Brussels hosted the Brussels International Exposition from 27 April to 6 November 1935. Hafiz Mustafa, who proudly represented Turkish delicacies, was awarded a medal for his outstanding contribution at the fair.

Exposition Du Bien Etre - Paris - 1936
Hafiz Mustafa was honored as a guest and invited to the Exposition Du Bien Etre Paris 1936, where he added another medal to his collection for his exceptional confectionary creations.

Exposition Universelle De 1937 - Paris
Hafiz Mustafa's world-renowned desserts were showcased at the Exposition Universelle De 1937, the final world fair held in France and Paris from May 25 to November 25, 1937.

Between 1926 and 1938, Hafız Mustafa won 12 medals from Europe in the field of pastry, confectionery, and candy. In those years, when communication was much more complex than today, Hafiz Mustafa's fame spread all over Europe, and Hafiz Mustafa's unique flavors achieved the honor of winning a taste medal almost every year. Today, these medals are proudly displayed at our head office in Istanbul.

A newspaper ad from the 40's
In 1942, as indicated on the calendars, our newspaper featured an advertisement that urged readers to procure their confectionery delights for guests from Hafiz Mustafa.

Advertising slogans were "94 years of your confectioner" in 1957 and "99 years of experience" in Although the product range of the workplace has developed considerably, in the 60s, the essence of the business was sweet types such as marzipan, chocolate, cake, and candy.

When the calendars showed the year 1962, Hafiz Mustafa's advertisement in Milliyet newspaper was as follows: ''HAFIZ MUSTAFA CONFECTIONARY, In Bahcekapi since 1864.''

One year before the 100th anniversary...
In 1963, as we approached our 100th anniversary, we published an advertisement in various newspapers, proudly declaring, "99 years of experience, Hafiz Mustafa."

Hafiz Mustafa's Tempting Offerings in the 70s
Travel back in time to the 1970s, when our advertisements proudly introduced our scrumptious marzipan, mouthwatering sweets, heavenly Turkish delight, decadent cakes, and luscious chocolates.

Snapshot of History: Bahcekapi in 1972
In 1972, among the lively streets of Bahcekapi, our branch bore witness to the crowd of Sirkeci, then Istanbul's commercial center. Captured in this photograph is a 108-year-old document of our store presence at the time of the photo shoot.

Candymaker Hafiz Mustafa's Sweet Offerings in the 80s
n the early 1980s, our advertisements said: "Don't worry about where to buy your Eid candies; here is Candymaker Hafiz Mustafa!" We were here to make your celebrations memorable with our fresh and delightful candies, exquisite marzipan, delicious Turkish delights, and irresistible chocolate treats.

'International Taste Institute,' one of the world's leading organizations in taste evaluation and certification, presented the Super Taste Award to Hafiz Mustafa. Hafız Mustafa, the 158-year-old master of taste, whose establishment dates back to the Ottoman period, crowned its quality with this international award through 470 participants from 38 participating countries and jumped another threshold on the way to becoming a world brand.

150 Most Legendary Dessert Places in the World
Hafiz Mustafa has earned a coveted spot on TasteAtlas' prestigious list of 150 legendary dessert places worldwide. Our beloved baklava has claimed the number two rank, showcasing our commitment to preserving time-honored dessert traditions and providing only the highest-quality baklavas to our lovers.

BBC Good Food Middle East Magazine Awards
We have been the recipient of yet another award in celebration of 160 years of flavor mastery. At the Middle East Magazine Awards 2023, hosted by BBC Good Food, Hafiz Mustafa secured a prestigious Baked Goods and Pastry award.

In 19th-century Istanbul, there were famous confectioners from Cankiri city. In those years, those who came to the capital from this arid town of Anatolia tended to this profession in solidarity with their compatriots. Ismail Hakkı Bey, who came from the Orta district of Çankırı, found himself among the confectioners on Hamidiye Street in Bahçekapı, although his profession was moneychanging.
In 1864, he started making candy in the basement of a building where he took first place. With his sons helping him, he became the person who introduced the pastry to Istanbulites and made them love it, as well as the variety of sweets that became more and more addictive every year.
On the one hand, Mustafa, one of the sons of Ismail Hakkı Bey, assisted his father and was a muezzin in the Arpacılar Mosque. The brand “Hafiz” memory line comes into existence from this point. Although a centuries-old tradition of taste and trade has changed in terms of ownership in a hundred years, the location of the first candy store and the taste it left on the palates never changed.
The shop in Eminönü, one of the few centers called the heart of Istanbul’s trade, soon started to show itself in respected trade records. Annuaire Oriental, “Ismail Hakki” among confectioners, was found in Bahçekapı in 1888 and operated at No: 4. To the right and left of the shop were tailors and a watchmaker’s shop. A year later, Ismail Hakkı Bey’s name was registered among the confectioners in Bahçekapı No:4 and Alaca Hamam Street No:72.
In 1891, the candy store was replaced by its neighbor tailor, who moved to the shop with the same door number. At the beginning of 1902, there were two different confectioners named “Hacı Mustafa” and “Hacı Ismail” in Bahçekapı.
After continuing with these two shops until 1921, the brand name became more and more prominent: “Hacı Ismail Zade Hafız Mustafa.” In 1924, Hafız Mustafa appeared in Yerebatan with his börek, another product he specialized in. After the pastry shop, another candy store called “Ismail Hakkı” was opened on Dudu Odaları Street in Beyoğlu. Hafız Mustafa was not the only one who inherited the confectionery legacy from his father. His other son, Ömer Lütfi, was also devoted to the profession, like Hafız Mustafa. However, it can be noticed that the two brothers took the surnames of Hafız Mustafa as Kandman and Ömer Lütfi Bey as Cebeci.
After 1929, the shop’s reputation was firmly fixed with “Hafaız Mustafa,” and it was rarely known as “Hafız Mustafa and His Mahdumları,” as in a record dated 1930.
Although Cemil Bey emphasized that he was his successor in the advertisements he published, he never gave up on his father’s name.
Advertisements placed on feast days, the most critical periods of the year for a confectioner, announced to their customers, “Buy your feast sweets from Bahçe Kapı No:90, Hafız Mustafa, and Mahdumu.” Among the products since 1929, Tahini and halva became one of the areas where Hafız Mustafa was famous. In his advertisements, Cemil Bey used his pseudonym “Çikokat” to congratulate his customers on their feast: “Hafız Mustafa and Mahdumu Çikolat Cemil Congratulate Your Feat.”
Cemil Bey passed away in 1947, and in the following ten years, he was commemorated with the mawlids for him and his father. As of the year he passed away, the Hafız Mustafa business was in the position of a well-established company that left behind eighty years. In 1948, the company’s name and logo were registered in the Official Industrial Property Gazette as “Hafız Mustafa Son Cemil Halefi S. Kandman.”
Although the new candy store owners preferred to be known as “Hafız Mustafa Kandman” in their first years, they started using the name they registered in the following years: Hafiz Mustafa.
Mrs. Vasfiye and Mr. Sönmez knew the importance of having a well-established business. They constantly emphasized history in the advertisements they placed in these years.
Advertising slogans were “94 years of your confectioner” in 1957 and “99 years of experience” in Although the product range of the workplace has developed considerably, in the 60s, the essence of the business was sweet types such as marzipan, chocolate, cake, and candy.
When he grew up, confectioner Hafız Mustafa’s disciplined and beloved owners handed the business to Sonmez Kandman’s son Mustafa Nihat.
The “Second Mustafa” era, which started in the business, lasted until 1993 and ended due to Nihat Bey’s interest in other sectors. Mustafa Altuncu, who bought the shop, tried to grow this historical heritage without touching its roots and spirit.
The confectioner, who has been around for five generations since Hacı Ismail Hakkı, tried to branch out with its new owner, but fourteen years later, in 2007, he met with a new investor: Avni Ongurlar.
Academician Esra Dil, who examines Hafız Mustafa Confectionery as a business from a scientific point of view, determines that the company maintains its product variety, production style, brand understanding, and staff despite the change of hands within the limits of possibilities.
With these features, the company maintains its century-old brand identity despite its experienced changes.
The last owner of Hafız Mustafa, Avni Ongurlar, speaks about Hafız Mustafa and Cemil Bey as family members.
Coming from a different industry, such as textiles, Hacı Avni Bey, in emotional harmony with the historical roots of the workplace, sells the healthiest products of Hafız Mustafa at the best possible price and greets his customers with a smiling face.
The most interesting one among the works describing Hafız Mustafa is “Los Secretos de Hafız Mustafa” (Secrets of Hafız Mustafa), written by the Colombian writer Francisco Leal Quevedo. The author introduces his work: “This book was inspired by an unforgettable place whose fame transcends borders.”
Hafiz Mustafa witnessed many historical and social changes till today. From 1864 to the present, the company has experienced a cultural heritage of over a century and witnessed the first tramways with horses, the founding of the first city mail service, the opening of Darü’l- Fünun-ı Osmani (the first university of the Ottoman Empire), the proclamation of the 1 st and 2 nd Constitutionalist Periods, reigns of Sultan Abdülhamit II, Sultan Mehmet Reşat and Sultan Mehmet Vahdettin, occupation of Istanbul, the proclamation of the Republic and so on. Hafiz Mustafa also won 11 medals in Europe between 1926 and 1938.
The business was taken over by Hacı Avni Ongurlar and remained loyal to the ahi order, a tradition coming from Hadji İsmail Hakkı Bey. He has brought the company to its present level with his sons and showed that they would keep it alive for decades.
Today, Hafiz Mustafa serves its customers with 19 branches. In addition to 13 branches in Istanbul, it has branches in London, Dubai, and Antalya, taking care to be at the points where it can explain the Ottoman dessert culture well.
Expert artisans handcraft Hafiz Mustafa products. Sugar obtained from sugar beet, natural root colorants, and natural fruit extracts are used in the products. All of the raw ingredients come from their region on time and fresh. No artificial ingredients are inserted into Hafiz Mustafa’s kitchen. Hafiz Mustafa provides the best quality service to its customers by protecting its historical and cultural heritage because it took centuries to reach this taste…